Friday, October 14, 2011

An Introduction

I want to start this blog mostly for myself. But also on the chance that there is someone (or someones) out there, who like me, are trying to build new relationships with food, exercise, and most importantly-- their health and their bodies.

It's been a long road, the one I am on now. I've been self-conscious about my physical body since I was 9. That's nearly 20 years of wishing I could look thinner, be prettier, feel more self-confident, etc., etc., etc. Over the years, I have been making some positive changes. I workout on a regular basis and am much more mindful about what I eat. But, I would be lying if I didn't also admit that I binge-eat when I'm feeling down. I want to change my relationship with food. I need to.

With the holidays slowly beginning to creep up on me, I am trying to build in stronger eating and exercise patterns so that I can face them without fear and really embrace what they're really about.

These days, I have been doing a lot of research and reading on my biggest addiction: sugar. For the next six weeks, I am going to be eliminating processed sugar from my diet. I have done shorter sugar-free spurts in the past and it really helps with the bouts of sadness I can experience. It is shocking really how bad sugar is for you. (A post I will share on another day.) Suffice to say, I am looking forward to this challenge. If you happen to come upon this blog, I hope you will join me.
